Arabic for Nerds Two

A Grammar Compendium - 450 Questions about Arabic Grammar

Erschienen am 26.07.2018, Expanded and Revised First Edition
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783981984804
Umfang: 828
Format (T/L/B): 23.0 x 15.0 cm





1. How old is Arabic grammar? 2. What is Classical Arabic? 3. Who wrote the first Arabic dictionary? 4. What does the Arabic word for dictionary ‎(‏‎قامُوسٌ‎) mean? 5. What prompted the first grammarian to write down rules? 6. Why do we use the word نَحْوٌ for grammar? 7. How did the inventor of the dots guide his calligrapher? 8. Who invented the vowels and markers which we use today? 9. Are there consonants which do not go well with each other? 10. Who wrote the first book about Arabic grammar? 11. What does the name Sībawayhi mean? 12. What is the first sentence of Sībawayhi's grammar? 13. What was the aim of the first Arabic grammarians? 14. What are the two most famous Arabic grammar schools? 15. How do we know that a scholar belongs to the Kūfa school? 16. What role did the Bedouins play in creating Arabic grammar? 17. What does a wasp have to do with Arabic grammar? 18. What came first: noun or verb? 19. How can you tell that a word in Arabic is of foreign origin? 20. What does‎ أَكَلُونِي الْبَراغِيثُ‎‎‎ mean? 21. How did the scribes of the Qur'an set the rules for the Hamza? 22. Did prophet Muhammad pronounce the هَمْزةٌ (glottal stop)? 23. What is the formula (steps) to analyze a word in Arabic? 24. How much do English and Arabic grammar differ? 25. What gender should we use for Arabic grammar terms? 26. How many parts of speech does Arabic know? 27. Are there particles in Arabic? 28. What does‎ إِعْرابٌ‎ mean? 29. Which signs are used for إِعْرابٌ‎?‎ 30. Does every‎ اِسْمٌ‎ and‎ فِعْلٌ‎ get the full spectrum of case endings? 31. How do you put case or mood markers on indeclinable words? 32. Can you use letters to mark cases? 33. What is a governor or operator ‎(عامِلٌ) in Arabic grammar? 34. Can there be more than one ‎عامِلٌ‏‎ in a sentence? 35. What does‎ ‎تَقْدِيرٌ‎‎ mean? 36. Which verb forms hide the subject? 37. The cryptic term سَدَّ مَسَدَّ. Can a word be the subject (فاعِلٌ) and serve as the predicate (خَبَرٌ)‎? 38. What do you do when you can't put case markers on words? 39. Why is the Aleph the weakest letter in Arabic? 40. Can you put case or mood markers on weak letters? 41. Why can an extra (additional) preposition be annoying? 42. Which kinds of words are entirely indeclinable? 43. Are there indeclinable verbs in Arabic? 44. What do case markers express? 45. Do verbs take cases in Arabic? 46. What is the underlying concept of nunation (تَنْوِينٌ‎)‎?‎ 47. What does nunation (تَنْوِينٌ) actually express? 48. Does an indefinite word when‎ ‎مَنْصُوبٌ‎ always need a final Aleph? 49. How do you mark cases in words with final هَمْزةٌ, e.g., in ‎شَيْء‎?‎ 50. What is the function of the subject? 51. When does a noun have to be in the nominative case‎ (مَرْفُوعٌ)‎?‎ 52. What causes the‎ مُبْتَدَأٌ‎‎ of a nominal sentence to be‎ مَرْفُوعٌ‎?‎‎ 53. What is the purpose of an object in Arabic? 54. When does a noun have to be in the مَنْصُوبٌ-case? 55. When does a noun have to be in the مَجْرُورٌ-case? 56. Does it matter whether we use a verbal or nominal sen­tence? 57. Can you have two subjects in only one sentence? 58. What is a ‎فِعْلٌ ناقِصٌ?‎ 59. Why do we sometimes find an extra ن at the end of verbs? 60. Why do we say ‎كَتَبْتُ for I wrote – and not كَتَبَتُ‎?‎ 61. Does an Arabic verb indicate time? 62. What does الْمُضارِعُ‎ mean? 63. What is the connection between verbs and dip­totes? 64. Why is there no to be in the Arabic present tense? 65. Which imperative form of a regular verb doesn't end in a ‎سُكُونٌ‎?‎‎ 66. Having (or not having) a position in إِعْرابٌ‎ - What does it mean? 67. How is it possible that a sentence does the job of a single word? 68. Can a sentence supply the place of the predi­cate? 69. What is a جُمْلةٌ إِنْشائِيّةٌ‎?‎‎ 70. Can a whole sentence take on the job of an object? 71. Can a sentence function as an object of ظَنَّ‎?‎ 72. Can a sentence function as the third object of certain verbs? 73. Can a sentence take the position of a حال?‎‎ 74. Can a sentence function as an adjective (صِفةٌ)‎?‎ 75. Why does it matter in Arabic whether a noun is truly indefinite? 76. Can a sentence supply the place of the excluded (الْمُسْتَثْنَى)‎? 77. Can you place a sentence as the second part of a إِضافةٌ?‎‎ 78. Why do adverbs of place make sentences complex sometimes? 79. Can a nominal sentence take on the task of a مَجْزُومٌ-verb? 80. What is the tricky thing if a sentence follows another sentence? 81. Does the independent clause have a position in إِعْرابٌ? ‎‎82. How should we deal with a parenthesis in Arabic grammar? 83. What is the weirdest function of the particle أَنْ‎?‎‎ 84. How should we treat the content of an oath in Arabic? 85. What's the judgment on the 2nd part of a conditional sentence? 86. How do grammarians treat the relative clause (جُمْلةُ الصِّلةِ)‎? 87. What does the vowel on the second root letter tell us? 88. In which position will you never find an Aleph? 89. Why is there an Aleph at the end of third-person plural verbs? 90. Why is there sometimes an Aleph instead of و or ي‎ in verbs? 91. The verb يدعونَ‎. What does it mean? 92. What happens when ن and ب collide? 93. What is the Hāʾ of silence? 94. What is the energetic form of a verb? 95. Come to prayer! (حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ)‎. What form is ‎حَيَّ‎?‎‎ 96. Give! (هاتِ). What form is that? 97. Why does the Arabic word for Caliph (خَلِيفةٌ) have a‎ ة‎?‎ 98. What is the plural of the word عالَمٌ?‎‎ 99. Can a feminine word form a sound masculine plural? 100. Why does the first part of a إِضافةٌ‎ not get nunation? 101. How do you know if a إِضافةٌ-construction is definite? 102. The word for son. Should you use‎‎ ابْن‎ or‎ ‎بن?‎‎‎ 103. The king's sons and daughters. How do you say that in Ara­bic? 104. بُيُوت الْقاهِرة الْقَدِيمة‎ - What does it mean in English? 105. How do you say: a son of the king? 106. How do you express: my (male) teachers? 107. How do you add my or me to verbs? 108. What happens to a weak letter if it collides with my? 109. What came first:‎ مَصْدَرٌ‎ or verb? 110. Is‎ ‎عَطاءٌ the‎ ‎مَصْدَرٌ of‎ أَعْطَى‎? 111. What turns an adjective into a predicate in Arabic? 112. What is the pronoun of the story or fact? 113. ضَرَبَ الْأَبُ ابْنَهُ لِأَنَّهُ كانَ مَخْمُورًا.‏ – Who was drunk? 114. What does a relative pronoun need? 115. What kind of relative pronouns does Arabic know? 116. What is a returning or fallback pronoun? 117. The house which is big... What is the problem in Arabic? 118. The man from Beirut… How do you translate that into Arabic? 119. How can you get rid of a relative pronoun? 120. What are the rules for using أَيّ‎ as a relative pronoun? 121. What is the‎ ل‎ in the word ‎ذٰلِكَ‎?‎ 122. Can the demonstrative pronoun (this) be an adjective? 123. How many kinds of prepositions does Arabic know? 124. How many real prepositions does Arabic know? 125. Does a preposition have a meaning of its own? 126. Can you delete a preposition without changing the mean­ing? 127. Can the ب strengthen a word's meaning? 128. The preposition‎ مِنْ‎ does not always mean from. Is it true? 129. What is the ل in the phrase‎ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ‎ (praise belongs to Allah)? 130. ذَهَبْتَ لِمَنْزِلِي (You went to my house.) Is there a mistake? 131. What is the Lām of rejection or denial ‎(لامُ الْجُحُودِ) good for‎?‎ 132. How can you use an extra/redundant ل to emphasize? 133. Is ك a preposition? 134. Can you use an extra ك to emphasize? 135. Many a… How do you say that in Arabic? 136. What type of pronoun is found in رُبَّهُ‎‎ ?‎‎ 137. What function has the‎ ما‎ in the expression ‎رُبَّما?‎‎ 138. What does the word‎ أَلا‎ signify? 139. Why do we call some parts of a sentence quasi-sentence? 140. What is the grammatical concept of‎ التَّعَلُّقُ‎ good for? 141. Do prepositional or adverbial phrases only relate to verbs? 142. What functions can the word ما have? 143. When does the word‎ ما‎ lose the Aleph? 144. Can‎ وَ‎ also mean when, with, or while...? 145. What is the word‎ كُلّ‎ good for? 146. Can you say أَلْكُلُّ‎? Or is‎ كُلّ‎ already definite? 147. Can‎ كُلّ‎ be used as an adjective (نَعْتٌ)‎?‎ 148. Some students came. Should the verb be plural in Arabic? 149. What can the word‎ أَيّ‎ be used for? 150. Can you place أَيّ‎ as an adjective (نَعْتٌ)‎?‎ 151. Can the word‎ غَيْر‎ be cut off from the إِضافةٌ‎?‎ 152. Can غَيْر be used as an adjective (نَعْتٌ)‎?‎ 153. What kind of word is حَسْب‎?‎ 154. What does فَحَسْبُ‎ mean? 155. What kind of word is فَقَطْ‎?‎ 156. What is the word إِمّا made of? 157. What does إِمّا…وَإِمّا mean? 158. What does the word أَمّا mean? 159. Are all question words in Arabic nouns (اِسْمٌ)?‎ 160. What functions may مَنْ‎ have in a sentence? 161. The question word what? Is it‎ ما‎ or‎ ماذا‎ in Arabic? 162. What kind of words are when‎ (مَتَى) and where‎ (أَيْنَ)‎?‎ 163. Can the word how‎ (كَيْفَ)‎ be a حالٌ in Arabic? 164. In Arabic, what do you need to express how much/? 165. Why can't you say in Arabic: كَمْ عَدَدُ الطُّلابِ‎ 166. What's the difference between‎ هَلْ‎ and‎ أَ‎ in ques­tions? 167. What is the answer to a negated question in Arabic? 168. Why does a question sometimes need a ‎ ‎‎فَ‎? 169. Why is it important to identify a follower‎ (تابِعٌ)‎?‎ 170. Which words can serve as an adjective‎ in Arabic? 171. What is the difference between‎ نَعْتٌ‎ and صِفةٌ?‎ 172. How many types of the descriptive (نَعْتٌ) does ? 173. Does an adjective‎ (نَعْتٌ حَقِيقِيٌّ)‎‎ always need full agreement? 174. What is the most important rule for the adjective? 175. Why is the causal description (نَعْتٌ سَبَبِيٌّ) hard to understand? 176. Can an adjective describe another adjective? 177. What grammatical function do words used for emphasis have? 178. Can you add an extra preposition to an emphasis? 179. How can you emphasize the dual? 180. How can you stress on totality/the inclusive? 181. Does repetition, repetition, repetition express emphasis? 182. How can you express that you did something yourself? 183. Can you use‎ ثُمَّ‎‎ to emphasize? 184. How does the substitution (apposition) in Arabic work? 185. How many types of an apposition (بَدَلٌ) does Arabic know? 186. What are the four most important rules for the‎ بَدَلٌ?‎‎ 187. What is a clarifying apposition (عَطْفُ الْبَيانِ)‎?‎ 188. How can you express a sequence in ? 189. Does the word حَتَّى always mean until? 190. Is the word أَمْ‎ only used in questions? 191. Should you use‎ لَٰكِنْ‎ or‎ لَٰكِنَّ‎ for but? 192. You and Zayd went. How do you express this? 193. How do you say: Muhammad's book and pen? 194. How should we read numbers in Arabic? From right to left? 195. What are the most important rules for numbers? 196. What is the crucial point in compound num­bers? 197. Why are the numbers from 11 to 19 special? 198. How do you spell and pronounce hundred in Arabic? 199. Why do numbers from 3 to 10 need inverted agreement? 200. Why is the number 8 different from others? 201. خَمْسة حَماماتٍ‎ (five pigeons). Is there a mistake? 202. How do you say some twenty or twenty odd in Arabic? 203. The people came two by two? How do you say that in Arabic? 204. Is it possible to place the number after a word? 205. How do you make numerical expressions (3 to 10) definite? 206. Can you use‎ كَمْ‎ as a substitute for a number? 207. Does a verbal sentence always start with a verb? 208. Why is the subject of a nominal sentence called‎ مُبْتَدَأٌ?‎‎ 209. What are the “usual suspects” that can work as a subject of a nominal sentence? 210. Does every مُبْتَدَأٌ‎ (subject) have a ‎خَبَرٌ‎ (predicate)?‎ 211. هَلْ مِنْ رَجُلٍ فِي الْبَيْتِ؟‎‎ – What is the subject here? 212. السَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ‎‎ – Is that a sentence? 213. A dog is in the house. How do you say that in Arabic? 214. You have money. You have a lot of money. Why does a lot give us some leverage in grammar? 215. What does word order signify? 216. What does anacoluthon mean? 217. Can you delete the subject of a nominal sentence? 218. What is the nature of the predicate ‎(خَبَرٌ) in Arabic‎? 219. Can a prepositional phrase‎ (شِبْهُ الْجُمْلةِ)‎ be the predi­cate? 220. When does the predicate have to be a sentence? 221. What is a sentence with two faces? 222. When can the predicate do without a connector‎ (رابِطٌ)‎? 223. When do you connect the predicate with‎‎ ف?‎‎‎ 224. When do you have to delete the predicate (حَذْفُ الْخَبَرِ)‎?‎ 225. Can a subject have more than one predicate? 226. When are we not allowed to forward the predicate? 227. When do you have to place the predicate before the sub­ject? 228. How do you put emphasis on the predicate? 229. What is meant by the grammar term‎ ناسِخٌ‎?‎‎ 230. What makes كانَ so special? 231. Why don't we say that كانَ has a subject (فاعِلٌ)?‎ 232. Can the verb‎ كانَ‎ be a full verb‎ (فِعْلٌ تامٌّ)‎‎?‎ 233. Is a sentence with كانَ a nominal or verbal sentence? 234. What does كائِنًا ما كانَ mean? 235. Can you change the word order in a sentence with ‎كانَ?‎ 236. Can كانَ‎ be redundant? 237. Can you add‎ و to the predicate of ‎كانَ‎?‎‎ 238. Is it possible to delete the ن in كانَ‎?‎ 239. Is it possible to delete كانَ‎ without changing the meaning? 240. Why are they called sisters? 241. How many sisters does‎ كانَ‎ have? 242. How do you know whether عَسَى is a full or incomplete verb? 243. What is the job of the ‎ كَ‎ in the phrase‎ عَساكَ‎ (perhaps you)? 244. Many verbs mean to become. Do they have other meanings too? 245. Which verbs convey change or transformat­ion? 246. Can you add the preposition‎ ب‎ to the‎ predicate of a sister? 247. Is there a difference between ما يَزالُ and لا يَزالُ‎?‎ 248. Are there alternatives to‎ ‎‎زالَ‎?‎‎‎ 249. What is the function of‎ ما‎ in the expression‎ ‎ما دامَ?‎ 250. What happens if ما in ما دامَ is, in fact, a negation? 251. Should you use أَنْ‎ after‎ أَوْشَكَ‎?‎ 252. Which particles are abrogators‎ (الْحُرُوفُ النّاسِخةُ)‎? 253. Can you change the word order in a sentence with‎ إِنَّ‎?‎‎‎ 254. What is the difference between إِنَّ‎ and أَنَّ‎?‎‎ 255. When do you have to use‎ أَنَّ‎ (with فَتْحةٌ‎)?‎ 256. In which situations can you use‎ إِنَّ‎ or ‎أَنَّ‎?‎ 257. What is the difference between‎ إِنَّ‎ and‎ إِنَّما‎?‎‎ 258. In what way is the expression لَيْتَما‎‎ special? 259. What is the difference between‎ إِنَّما‎ and‎ إِنَّ ما?‎‎ 260. What is a wandering or slipping Lām? 261. Why do we use different names for the emphatic Lām? 262. Can you lighten (تَخْفِيفٌ)‎‎ the sisters of‎ إِنَّ‎ and‎ أَنَّ‎?‎ 263. Can you lighten إِنَّ‎ in a sentence that starts with كانَ‎?‎ 264. Can you lighten the particle ‎أَنَّ?‎ 265. Can you lighten the particle كَأَنَّ‎?‎ 266. Can you lighten the particle لَٰكِنَّ‎?‎ 267. Does the indirect speech work differently in Arabic? 268. What kind of word is لَيْسَ‎?‎ 269. Can you add وَ‎ before the predicate of لَيْسَ‎?‎ 270. Why did the grammarians of Basra & Kūfa quar­rel about لَيْسَ‎?‎ 271. How many particles can do the job of لَيْسَ ‎ (as a negation)? 272. Can you use ما to negate a nominal sentence? 273. What happens if ما is used to­gether with but (بَلْ ‎ or لَٰكِنْ)‎?‎ 274. Can you negate a nominal sentence with‎‎ ‎‎لا‎?‎‎‎‎‎ 275. Can you negate a nominal sentence with إنْ‎?‎ 276. Can you negate a nominal sentence with لاتَ‎?‎ 277. What is meant by absolute negation? 278. Why is the absolute negation grammatically interesting? 279. Can you use the absolute negation with the dual or plural? 280. What happens if you repeat the لا‎ of the absolute negation?‎ 281. Which case marker does an adjective get after the لا‎‎ of denial?‎‎ 282. There is no God but Allah. What got lost in this sen­tence? 283. What does لا سِيَّما mean? 284. What is a verbal sentence? 285. What is the usual word order in Arabic? 286. What else can do the job of a verb? 287. Does a verbal sentence have to start with a singu­lar verb? 288. Can a verb end a sentence? 289. When do you use the verb's feminine form to start a sentence? 290. Is the subject of a verbal sentence always a single word? 291. Can an interpreted‎ مَصْدَرٌ‎ function as the subject‎ (فاعِلٌ)‎‎?‎ 292. Which verbs tend to have an interpreted مَصْدَرٌ as a sub­ject? 293. The subject is always in the nominative case, isn't it? 294. When do you have to add ب before the subject? 295. Can you delete the subject of a verbal sentence? 296. Are there verbs that don't need a subject? 297. Can you delete the regent (عامِلٌ) of the sub­ject? 298. It was spring. How do you say that in Arabic? 299. Can something else step in for the sub­ject (فاعِلٌ)‎?‎ 300. What was the function of the‎ نائِبُ الْفاعِلِ‎ in the active voice? 301. What is the regent‎ (عامِلٌ)‎ of the‎ نائِبُ الْفاعِلِ?‎‎ 302. Which verbs are almost only used in the pas­sive voice? 303. Is every verb capable of carrying a direct object? 304. I want to visit him. Is to visit‎ (أَنْ أَزُورَهُ)‎ the‎ مَفْعُولٌ بِهِ‎? 305. Can only verbs have (direct) objects in Arabic‎?‎ 306. Which verbs need two objects? 307. Why do you sometimes use‎ أَنَّ‎ after verbs? 308. Verbs with two objects – What's the nature of these ob­jects? 309. Verbs with two objects – can you delete one object? 310. Why may verbs of meaning lead to complicated structures? 311. If there is a verb of meaning, can you change the word order? 312. What happens if to see really means to see? 313. To consider. Does this verb have two objects in Arabic? 314. What is the mysterious thing about the word هَبْ‎?‎ 315. Can the verb قالَ‎ have two objects? 316. Are there verbs with three objects? 317. Can you change the word order if there are three direct objects? 318. How did the absolute object get its name? 319. What is the purpose of the absolute object? 320. Why do we say “shukran” (شُكْرًا) and not “shukrun”‎ (شُكْرٌ)‎? 321. Can a مَصْدَرٌ govern another مَصْدَرٌ‎?‎ 322. Can you repeat the absolute object? 323. Can you delete the absolute object and keep its idea? 324. Which words are suitable to function as an absolute object? 325. What is a so-called نائِبُ مَفْعُولٍ مُطْلَقٍ‎?‎‎ 326. What is the so-called مَفْعُولٌ لِأَجْلِهِ‎?‎ 327. Can only a verb have a causative object? 328. Can you move the مَفْعُولٌ لِأَجْلِهِ to the beginning? 329. Can a causative object be mistaken for a‎ حالٌ?‎‎ 330. Why do we call an adverb in Arabic ظَرْفٌ‎?‎ 331. Is the‎ مَفْعُولٌ فِيهِ‎ the same as an adverb of time or place? 332. Why is the adverb in the accusative case (مَنْصُوبٌ)‎?‎ 333. Can an adverb of time/place be the predicate (خَبَرٌ)‎?‎ 334. What is a vague adverb? 335. Which words can govern an adverb? 336. Can it be required to delete the regent (عامِلٌ) of an ad­verb? 337. Can one regent (عامِلٌ) govern two adverbs? 338. Where in the sentence should you place an adverb of time? 339. What does‎ سارَ الْيَوْمَ‎ mean? 340. What can act as a substitute for an adverb (نائِبٌ عَن الظَّرْفِ)‎? 341. Can a noun of place (اِسْمُ الْمَكانِ) fill the place of an adverb? 342. When is‎ إذْ‎ treated as an adverb? 343. Can‎ إِذ‎ work as the second part of a إِضافةٌ‎?‎ 344. Can the particle‎ إِذا‎ function as an adverb? 345. What happens if إِذا denotes surprise? 346. Can the word مَع function as an adverb? 347. Does together really always mean just together? 348. How do you say: I have money? 349. Which part of the Arabic word for while (بَيْنَما) is an adverb? 350. I have never done that. How do you say that? 351. What is the job of the adverb لَمّا‎?‎ 352. Are مُنْذُ‎ and مُذْ‎ prepositions or adverbs? 353. We want to express while. Should we use بَيْنَما or a حالٌ‎?‎ 354. What does‎ يَوْمَ يَوْمَ‎ mean? 355. Why does و not always mean and? 356. How do you know that وَ starts a مَفْعُولٌ مَعَهُ‎?‎ 357. Can you use a‎ مَفْعُولٌ مَعَهُ‎ in questions? 358. To which question does the‎ حالٌ‎ give an answer? 359. What is suitable as a ‎صاحِبُ الْحالِ?‎ 360. Can the حالٌ refer to any kind of object? 361. What is the regent of the حالٌ‎?‎ 362. What is the regent of the‎ حالٌ‎ in a nominal sentence? 363. Which forms of a word can be used to work as a حالٌ‎?‎ 364. What happens if the‎ حالٌ‎ can't be interpreted as a مُشْتَقٌّ‎?‎ 365. Is the حالٌ always indefinite? 366. Is it correct to use the expression لِوَحْدِي to translate alone? 367. Is the status of the‎ حالٌ‎ only temporary? 368. Can the‎ حالٌ‎ be a full sentence, and what would happen then? 369. Can a prepositional/adverbial phrase be understood as a حالٌ‎?‎ 370. Does it matter whether a verb or a participle serves as the ‎حالٌ‎?‎‎ 371. Can you move the‎ حالٌ‎ closer to the front? 372. How do you know whether a word is a‎ حالٌ‎ or an adjective? 373. Can an adjective become a حالٌ‎?‎ 374. Can a حالٌ‎ also express an intention? 375. Why do we need specifications? 376. When do you have to specify a single word? 377. What is the grammatical DNA of a specification of a sentence? 378. Why is the word that is placed as a‎ تَمْيِيزٌ‎ in the accusative? 379. اِزْدادَ زَيْدٌ عِلْمًا – Is the word عِلْمًا here the direct object? 380. What is the difference between a‎ حالٌ‎ and a تَمْيِيزٌ‎?‎ 381. Can you use a تَمْيِيزٌ together with a comparative? 382. Does the تَمْيِيزٌ go along with surprise and wonder (تَعَجُّبٌ)‎‎?‎‎ 383. Does the‎ تَمْيِيزٌ‎ work with praise and blame? 384. What will happen to a تَمْيِيزٌ if you place the word مِن‎ before it?‎ 385. What are the main ingredients of a conditional sentence? 386. Does the first part of a conditional sentence need a verb? 387. How many types of if are there in Arabic? 388. What are the most common indeclinable conditional par­ticles? 389. Why do we need a‎ ف‎ in a conditional sentence? 390. Does it matter whether you use the present or the past tense in a conditional sentence? 391. How do you mark a past tense verb in the jussive mood? 392. Why is the conditional particle إِنْ‎ often tricky? 393. Why is the word إِذا special? 394. What is the difference (in meaning) between إِذا and إِنْ‎?‎ 395. What is the difference between إِذا and إِذْ‎?‎ 396. Can you place a noun (اِسْمٌ) after إِذا‎?‎ 397. What is the peculiar thing about the conditional particle أَيّ‎?‎ 398. Which tense should you use with‎ ‎لَوْ‎‎ in Arabic?‎ 399. How do you negate a sentence that starts with‎ ‎لَوْ‎?‎‎ 400. Can the 1st part of a conditional sentence work as an adjec­tive? 401. Why does the excluded thing take the accusative case? 402. Does the word إِلّا only mean except? 403. Is there only one possible case marker for the الْمُسْتَثْنَى‎?‎ 404. What happens if the ‎ الْمُسْتَثْنَى مِنْهُ‎ is missing? 405. Can you use إِلّا to combine sentences? 406. Are there alternatives to إِلّا‎?‎‎ 407. What does the word‎ بَيْدَ‎ mean? 408. What function has the ما in the expression ما عَدا or ما خَلا‎?‎ 409. What is a particularization in Arabic? 410. هَلْ زَيْدًا ضَرَبْتَهُ؟‎ - Why is Zayd here in the accusative case? 411. What do you do if you have two verbs but only one subject? 412. Why does the word after‎ يا‎ take the مَنْصُوبٌ-case? 413. Which case marker should you use for the person called? 414. How do you call‎ ‎سَعِيد بن زَيْد‎‎ (Said son of Zayd) correctly? 415. Can you call someone whose name ends in a weak letter? 416. How does a blind man call someone? 417. What does يا أَبَتِ‎ mean? 418. Is it true that the person being called can't have ال‎?‎‎ 419. By which trick can you use ال in the vocative? 420. What is the finest way to call God (Allah)? 421. The road! The road! Which case do we use to warn peo­ple? 422. What is the purpose of the word إِيّا‎?‎ 423. Can the object of a warning take the nomina­tive case? 424. How do you lament in Arabic? 425. How do you call someone for help in Arabic? 426. What was the war-cry of the time of ignorance? 427. What is the strange additional ending اه good for? 428. How can you turn a call for help into a call for destruc­tion? 429. How do you call upon a person who is absent (الْغائِبُ)‎?‎ 430. Let's…! How do you say that in Arabic? 431. Can words other than verbs also express an imperative? 432. Can you put a negation particle (“don't”) before an impera­tive? 433. How can you demand something with urgency? 434. How can you express surprise or astonishment? 435. Why do we use a past tense form to express astonishment? 436. What a pretty blue! How do you say that? 437. Can you delete the ب in the التَّعَجُّبُ‎-form of أَفْعِلْ بِهِ?‎‎‎ 438. How excellent Zayd was! How do you say this in Arabic? 439. What happens if we negate an exclamation of surprise?‎ 440. Can you use a passive verb to express astonishment? 441. How do you express wonder with the verb to be? 442. Which words do you use for praise and blame? 443. Why are‎ نِعْمَ‎ and‎ بِئْسَ‎ regarded as verbs? 444. How does the subject of a praise and blame-sentence look like? 445. What does the pattern فَعُلَ‎ express? 446. Is the verb حَبَّ used for praise – or for blame? 447. How can you swear by Allah in Arabic? 448. What are the specialties of the complement of the oath? 449. Can you use a conditional clause (شَرْطٌ) with an oath? 450. Can you express an oath by combining‎ ‎ ل ‎and إِنْ‎?